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Home Waltz



In 1973, fifteen-year old Qʷóqʷésk̓iʔ, or \"Squito\" Bob, is a mixed-blood Nłeʔkepmx boy trying to find his place in a small, mostly Native town. His closest friends are three nłeʔkepmx boys and a white kid, an obnoxious runt who thinks himself superior to his friends. Accepted as neither Native nor white, Squito often feels like the stray dog of the group and envisions a short, disastrous life for himself. Home Waltz follows the boys over thirty-six hours on what should be one of the best weekends of their lives. With a senior girls volleyball tournament in town, Squito's favourite band performing, and enough alcohol for ten people, the boys dream of girls, dancing, and possibly romance. A story of love, heartbreak, and tragedy, Home Waltz delves into suicide, alcohol abuse, body image, and systemic racism. A coming of age story like no other, Home Waltz speaks to one Indigenous teenager's experience of growing up in a world that doesn't want or trust him.



Publisher : Palimpsest Press
Published : October 15, 2020
Language : English (English)
Format : Epub
Pages : 304
Size : 643.24 KB
ISBN : 9781989287651
Book URL :